7 Ways To Keep You Safe Online During COVID-19

Home Page Updates Forum 7 Ways To Keep You Safe Online During COVID-19

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    • #1645

      EDU Matters

      Many of us are working from home these days. For most of us, it’s the first time. As challenging as it might be to arrange your work routine, office space, switch to work midset when your kids are running around or your phone is full of with messages and new posts you’d like to check out, there is one thing you definitely don’t want to leave without attention –  your safety online. By your safety online we mean your personal data, and, of course, your work data protection.

      What protection measures should you take in your home and on your home network? The Internet Society has put together and generously shared on its website a list of things that you should check out. They are:

      1. Keep your smart assistants out of the room while you’re working.

      2. Use unique passwords and a password manager.

      3. Implement two-factor authentication wherever possible.

      4. Opt for online services with strong encryption.

      5. Use a VPN — even on your home network.

      6. Update your software.

      7. Back up your files.

      To understand what each point stands for and how to approach it, please read the full article here



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